Thought of the Day

  • Excuses are the refuge of the weak

A Week Later

Klightus spends his time teaching the cherubs new handshakes. He’s taught a lot of them how to fist bump. Lou performs tarot readings for people. Its highly appreciated! People are less scared of her Psyker identity. Ferrus finds his way to the library and begins working with the archivist. Moving scrolls, data slates, and the occasional book.

The Witchmaster General hasn’t shown up again since last week. Probably busy doing important inquisitor business in the main hull.

New squad member! Odessa. Big, muscular, dumb blonde.

The Mission

Work with investigation team 46 on the planet Pranem, a trade planet in Basfura Sector (One of the only sectors not normally hit by warp storms). We’ll be assisting them and acting as the muscle in what they’re doing. They’re investigating various different heretic groups on the planet. They look for up and coming cults and nip them in the bud as quickly as possible.

Pranem is a hive world housing about The Doorstumblers0 billion citizens. Its notable for being the first planet in Basfura. It also has a great archival system. Part of the Asturim Kingdom.

Team 46 consists of a 5 man team. Their leader: Hans von Sven. Miranda the tech priest. Hannah, Leon, and Namara make up the rest of the group as adepts. A whole bunch of nerdy brainiacs. We’ll be answering to Hans for this mission.

We meet up with 46 and are given a pager to remain in contact with them. Then we make our way out! While descending, everyone once again vomits violently. But this time, Lou has brought paper bags! Miranda offers to remove our inner ears to prevent this in the future. Hans tells us that we’ll need to procure our own transportation and housing until they call on us.

The Doorstumblers finds Skid Row Motel, offering a studio room for 20 gelt a week. Odessa and Ferrus room together, while Klightus and Lou take another room. There are cockroaches and mold all over the place. Its disgusting. The carpet is crunchy. The Doorstumblers decides they need to find some kind of market to get better blankets, cots, and other odds and ends. They are able to “procure” a car from a random alleyway. Lou tells Klightus to break the window, and he punches it out. Ferrus opens the door, realizing it was already unlocked. He also finds the key sitting in the sun visor and starts the car. They’re able to locate the market district and find some things to make their rooms more livable. Odessa and Ferrus leave to do the shopping while Lou and Klightus stick back and watch the car.

Odessa and Ferrus return from their shopping trip, looking scarred and drained and saying something about how the employees wouldn’t stop plugging the various different bargains. Klightus wants to investigate more into these bargains and acquires the Bargain Imperial BIG BOOK OF BARGAINS.

A Week Passes…

  • Ferrus attempts to steal from cars to make some extra cash. He is unsuccessful.
  • Lou does some tarot readings for cash and is somewhat successful.
  • Odessa does some street performances singing.
  • Klightus gets a job at Bargain Imperial. He finds that the business is insane. It should be failing. Its selling everything at a deficit. Every time a customer asks a question Klightus can’t answer, he directs them to Higher Management. Higher Management immediately sends them back to him. This goes in a circle forever. He makes 3 gelt a day. If he works for 20 years, he can get a promotion! With no change in pay or benefits. If he works for 100 years, he’ll be promoted high enough to get an employee discount!! It’s 1%!!! And all sales are rounded up!!!! And his wage will increase to 5 gelt a day!!!! He loves it here. If they served him a platter of kool-aid, he would drink it without question in a singular gulp. Lou and Odessa look into the Bargain Imperial and find that it doesn’t really make money. But the storage for holding all their merchandise is so expensive, they want to sell it off as quickly as possible and inflate the economy. They also want to have a monopoly on the amount of resources available.

Finally! The Mission!

The group finally receives a beep from their pager from the investigation team that something has gone horribly wrong. The group make their way to the coordinates. They find 46’s HQ, a hotel in the Upper Lower Tier of the city. Two trucks with four guards are blocking the entrance. Ferrus attempts to run them over, but skirts wildly and crashes the car into a fence. Odessa jumps out and begins shooting, missing everyone. Klightus charges out the truck and tries to hit one of the gunmen, but whiffs horribly. He is immediately shot 3 times in the chest. Both parties shoot and try to hit each other, but keep missing. Lou attempts to use magic, but some Wild Magic happens and all machines within 10 meters fail, causing all guns to jam. Klightus gets shot 3 more times in the chest. Lou attempts to heal him, but also sends everyone into a frenzy. During this, The Doorstumblers is able to kill the remaining members.

Suddenly, their attention is turned to the 6 gang members currently trying to break into 46’s room. They rush up the stairs, and begin to confront them. Odessa rushes out first and gets a few shots off, but dies before anything else can happen. Lou and Ferrus team up to take care of as many of the cult members as possible. Klightus uses his grappling hook to go to the next floor above and begins dropping black powder capsules down on them, causing them to explode. He deals heavy damage to one and blinds the rest. Lou, Ferrus, and Hans are able to pick off the rest as the black powder blinds the gang.

Hans is impressed with the group’s capabilities. He asks for a status report from The Doorstumblers, and Ferrus informs them we lost Odessa. Klightus says it is nothing in service for the Emperor. Hans almost smiles, and invites the group in the be patched up and catch them up to speed. They had been tracking a local cult, but got mixed up with a gang called the Bloodshot Gang instead. It resulted in a firefight, where they lost track of Namira. The gang followed them back to HQ, where The Doorstumblers found them. A couple of the adepts have been shot, but are okay. Hans gives The Doorstumblers a data slate revealing the last known location of Namira. He wants them to find out what happened to her.

Hans captured one of the gangers for interrogation. Lou is able to successfully intimidate him into being compliant and giving us information. He explains that Namira wasn’t actually stolen by the Bloodshot Gang, but stole one of their cars with a shipment full of their “product”. He says he doesn’t actually know what the product is, just that it’ll pay out big bucks. He says she vaguely went west. After gaining all the necessary information, Ferrus shoots him in the head.

The Mission Part 2

The group is able to successfully track down Namira’s whereabouts. They find the Bloodshot Gang truck as described, but it looks like someone had attempted to light it on fire. There’s a crate that was taken out of the truck, but wasn’t moved far. It looks like there’d been a gunfight. Klightus finds a broken data slate in the glovebox. There’s a trail of blood leading into a nearby warehouse. At the end of the trail, they find Namira. Dead. She bled out after being shot 5 times. There’s nothing on her, no identification, money, or weapons.

Klightus is able to find a key to the crate inside the truck. Inside, is several rocket launchers. These are Planetary Defense Force military weapons. Judging from the shipment statement, these launchers were meant to go to a hive far further south. They take the crate after reporting it to their superiors to take to the hive later.


New member assigned to Squad The Doorstumblers. Her name is Odessa and she’s a cook. New mission on a trade planet. We’re helping an investigation team looking for cultists. They do braniac shit, we punch shit. We land on the planet and they tell us we’ll be responsible for procuring our own housing and transportation because they’re not sure when they’ll need us. Could be tomorrow, could be months. We got rooms at the shittiest hotel possible. There are rat sized cockroaches and the carpet is crunchy.

We do some shopping and steal a car.

A week passes. Odessa, Lou, and Ferrus do some odd jobs to try to make money to get by to various degrees of success. Klightus gets a job at Evil Sci-fi Costco. The group receives a ping from the brainiacs that there’s an emergency at their residence. The Doorstumblers rushes there and sees gang members attempting to break in. Klightus gets shot in the chest six times, Lou loses control of her magic twice, Odessa dies, and Ferrus was also there (I assume this means he actually successfully shot people bc I didn’t write anything for him lol).

After defeating the gang members, Hans, the leader of the other team, catches The Doorstumblers up to date. Basically, they were investigating a cult, but got wrapped up in some Bloodshot Gang business and it ended in a gun fight and one of their members missing. The Doorstumblers’s new goal is to find what happened to her. They track down her last known location and find her dead and completely looted. They also found a large crate of military rocket launchers stolen by Bloodshot, and then later stolen by the now dead woman. Squad The Doorstumblers decides it would be better to report the crate and give it back to the military. (They didn’t have any rockets and would be near impossible to sell.)