Thought of The Day

Heresy must be met with hatred.

A Couple Weeks Later..

Before N-286 headed out to take care of some personal matters, they were able to attach a gun turret to our car, as well as repair it to a much more respectable degree. Miraga spends his time familiarizing himself with his new gun, treating it like his goddamn BABY. Lou meditates on being better at everything. Klightus begins to realize BARGAIN IMPERIAL may be bullshit… Ferrus finds a book written by a “Jason” called How to Let Loose and Cruise by Drinking Booze. He attempts to focus on his teachings by driving drunk, but he fails by being incapable of stomaching the alcohol he bought.

After the crazy police chase two weeks ago, there has been an impossibly LARGE traffic jam that hasn’t stopped. People have died in the midst of it from starvation or dehydration. The PDF eventually sent in tanks to take care of it. The death toll rose to 3,000, but within the 60 billion population in the hive, no one’s really noticed. Luckily, no one’s been able to track it back to us…. yet.


A few cops come knocking on The Doorstumblers’s door to ask some… questions about the events of two weeks ago. Klightus immediately admits to being at the shooting wearing armor wielding weapons doing some kind of mysterious “business” and then driving away in the car that started the car chase, but not actively participating in the shooting. The compliance catches the police off guard and they don’t really question Klightus. They correctly identify that he’s too stupid to lie, but incorrectly assume he can’t lie by omission. They ask for the groups papers and after seeing Lou is a sanctioned Psyker immediately begin asking questions as to why she’s here. They aren’t satisfied by Klightus’s answer that she’s his sister and they’re here doing “business”. Klightus immediately tells them that they’re in the inquisition, but they have no proof but also they really really really need to keep quiet about it. (The Fellowship threshold for this was 20. I rolled a 10.) For some reason the cop believes Klightus and wishes the group a good day and they move on to the next group of suspects.

Lou does a tarot card reading for Ferrus after he has a mental breakdown after being unable to drink and drive. All his cards say that his life is a disappointment and he should stop trying to fix it. He immediately begins sobbing and drops into the fetal position.

A Pick-Me-Up

Klightus feels bad for the second mental breakdown Ferrus has had today. He drags him by his feet to the truck to get ice cream and everyone piles in. Klightus is able to barely avoid hitting anything on the way, but they find the shittiest, greasiest, most disgusting burger shack on the planet. Klightus buys him and Ferrus ice cream and Lou and Miraga buy themselves burgers. They aren’t great, but by all metrics they should be worse. Ferrus finally picks up just a little bit and asks if he can drive back. Klightus reluctantly lets him, and he’s able to make his way home with flying colors! He also finds the one music station they were going hard on a couple weeks ago.

Once they return to the hotel after a couple hours, they find their rooms had been broken into. Nothing seems to have been taken, but it looks like they were looking for something. Klightus and Miraga were able to deduce that this was done by some professionals doing a classic breach and clear operation. It looks like police, military, or ex-police/military mercenaries. Miraga makes the connection that the police was working with the gangs to sell guns and using this, Lou and Ferrus realize that everything we’ve seen so far is evidence of a revolution brewing. The Doorstumblers agrees they need to call this in and request to meet Hans in person. He finds a place to meet tomorrow and The Doorstumblers all agree they need to find a new place to lay low until then. Ferrus drives the car out, sideswiping the motel sign and knocking it over as the motel owner screams at them for not paying for the broken down doors.

Plan B

They decide to head upwards in the hive into a more middle class area and drive around looking for somewhere to crash until the meeting. Klightus finds a parking garage to stay for the night. It costs 20 thrones, The Doorstumblers splits the cost and head on in. The tone immediately drops as all the regular degular middle class people double check they locked their cars and their wallets aren’t visible. The Doorstumblers notices that everyone immediately tries to avoid eye contact. Ferrus finds a quiet place to park. Miraga and Ferrus decide to see if there’s anything obvious in any of the nearby cars to steal. Miraga finds that someone left a purse in the car. Ferrus attempts to sneak around as well, but is so overly cautions he becomes far too obvious. Miraga punches the window out and steals the purse, but is able to avoid suspicious glances by ducking under the cars. He finds a handful of gelt, an ID, and some makeup. Klightus folds up the 12ft tarps to make some sort of padding in the bed of the truck. Its not the most uncomfortable place he’s slept before! Ferrus and Lou sleep in the cabin of the truck, Miraga decides to keep watch.

He also attempts to draw on Klightus’s forehead with his newfound lipstick. He fails and wake him up before he gets the chance. He also tries to trick Klightus into eating it, but Klightus isn’t so ignorant anymore. He’s come to terms with the realities of BARGAIN IMPERIAL and isn’t so easily fooled. He does genuinely consider it though.

To The Rendezvous Point!!

Ferrus begins driving their way to the meetup location. Its a good 4 hour journey. Miraga at first attempts to nap on the way as he gained fatigue over the night, but gets distracted and has a staring contest with Klightus for awhile. They end up in a very gross, industrial area of the hive. They arrive at an almost factory like building with Hans’s motorcycle out front. A ServoSkull directs The Doorstumblers to where Hans is. Miraga and Klightus decide to stay in the car, to nap and guard it respectively.

Lou and Ferrus follow the ServoSkull in and see Hans and Miranda. Ferrus recaps that the police broke into our homes and how its possibly connected to a revolution. Evan moves the tables around so much we get distracted from this very important conversation. Hans confirms that his team have found evidence this has been going on throughout several sects of the police force. He has other teams of doorkickers who’ve reported similar information. Teams 36 and 11 reported similar instances, 11 stating that the police attempted to intimidate them to stay out of their business. Both teams’ safehouses had been raided, but nothing was taken. Hans asks if the police figured out who they were. Ferrus says that Klightus told the cops the group were inquisition. Hans somehow scowls more and tells them that they really fucked up. He tells them to never tell anyone that we’re inquisitors, because they’ll either not believe us and kill us, or they’ll believe us, word will spread, and all the cults will disappear.

Ferrus: “Well, you know how Klightus is.” Hans: “Yeah.. Yeah. It’s too bad we can’t pick our team mates…”

Hans says to assume any and all law enforcement are corrupt and to not interact with them. Ferrus for some reason decides to tell Hans that we were the reason for the deadly traffic jam. Hans connects the dots and asks Lou if she had anything to do with this. Ferrus says the chasing cop suddenly had a seizure for unrelated reasons, but Hans doesn’t buy it for some reason. Lou decides to slowly walk out to avoid his wrath. She establishes on her way out that he could’ve totally had a preexisting condition. Ferrus attempts to leave after telling Hans everything, but he stops him. Ferrus promises to talk with The Doorstumblers and convince the rest of them to be even more discrete. Hans says they can no longer communicate through comms anymore, but he’ll set up a system of couriers and dropoff points for letters or supplies.

Ferrus asks if Hans knows what the goals are from the revolution and whether or not we’re on their side. Hans says he doesn’t know, the most he’s got is that many of the various coded letters the other teams found were signed by a “FM”. The revolution could be disgruntled nobles, crackheads from the underhive, or the entire PDF army. Hans says a more charismatic team, Team 9 lead by Hannah von Grimm, had found their way into the good graces of the nobility and are investigating that front. Hans says there’s a certain Baron Albrecht von Pranam, who is technically a noble but doesn’t have much claim to anything. He’s the 8th son of the 7th son of the current planetary governor. He gets a lot of the privileges of nobility, with none of the power. Hans says its possible he may have some ties to FM. Our new mission is to break into his house, kidnap him, and interrogate him. Hans will pick the safehouse to haul him to. Hannah will get them in, but its up to us after that. He encourages us to use disguises and ditch our truck, at least for the mission. We have a week to prepare, but after that its go time.

He reminds us once again to be subtle and stealthy. We absolutely cannot bring Albrecht back dead.