What The Fuck Do We Do Now?

Klightus narrowly avoids being fired by BARGAIN IMPERIAL and is able to let The Doorstumblers squat inside BARGAIN IMPERIAL in the meantime until they find an abandoned shack that’s currently uninhabited by other crackheads. Klightus and Lou explain their intricate amazing plan, to very underwhelming reception. Miraga immediately comes up with a better plan and they decide to go with that. They’re going to literally smoke Albrecht out.

Ferrus finds a non descript van and is able to unlock and hotwire it with N-286. There’s a large man-sized chest in the back that’s fully empty. Convenient!

Miraga, Lou, and Klightus find the closest dead drop left by Hans within walking distance of their safe house. There’s a file folder and a knapsack filled with 20ft of rope, a net, and a “man catcher”. Klightus reads the note in the folder from Hans, with an apology that this was all the other team was able to grab. They got ambushed by a well armed gang and they’re only work at half capacity now. There’s a note on Hannah von Grimm, what she’s like, where to find her, and what she looks like. There’s more info on Albrecht. He’s a young noble, living in a 3 story mini mansion in the upper spires of the hive. Its surrounded by giant walls and other, larger buildings. He mostly lives on his own, but he’s taken a liking to one of Hanne’s girls, Roxie, and she’s been living there for a bit. So its the two of them inside, two more friendlies, and 10-20 security guards. There’s a cleaning staff and cooks, but they come and go far more than the guards do, they’re made up of a very small, trusted group of people.

Gathering Intel

Lou, Ferrus, and N-286 decide to drive up nearby Albrecht’s house. They look at some maps and find the best way to view the house is via the highway. N-286 drives while Ferrus gets ready to make a makeshift map. While driving, they hear on the radio from the police force that the Highway Riots are now over, and they’ve arrested the culprits responsible. 10 heretics deemed threats to the Imperium and the people of the hive. They’ve been sentenced to death and it will be televised in 6 hours. Thought of the Day: He who picks up the sword against us shall perish by it.

They eventually find the house and pull over on the highway. They find there’s a hoverpad at the top of the building for hovercars. Ferrus realizes it’d be difficult to drag him unconscious outside, given its open to the entire upper class neighborhood. Or they could drag him down 45 stories of fire escapes. Ferrus creates an expert class map of the building and area around it.

Klightus decides to get into contact with Hannah with Miraga. They decide to leave after Lou, Ferrus, and N-286, so they need to procure their own vehicle because they realize their truck is going to look real suspicious in the upper hive. They steal a pizza delivery driver’s moped and drive on up. They arrive at the meeting location, a cafe inside a gated community. Klightus walks into the cafe and Miraga stays to watch the moped. The vibe immediately dies when Klightus walks in. He flashes his nicest smile to set everyone at ease and fails utterly. He attempts to order a CUP OF JOE. The barista is terrified of him and doesn’t ask for money. Klightus insists on paying for it and walks over to meet Hannah. She tells him he needs to be far more subtle and Klightus says that’s why they need her. She gives him a paper with an address and says to have the rest of the group meet her there tomorrow.

They meet back up in the upper hive. Klightus and Miraga leave the moped in the back of the van and they hop in with everyone else. N-286 drives everyone around as they don’t need to sleep. Everyone else takes a fat nap. N-286 watches the live execution of the 10 heretics as a stadium of people cheers it on.

After time passes, The Doorstumblers is ready to meet Hannah von Grimm at an apartment building. She gave them everything they’ll need to get past the deskperson. Klightus explains the gist of their current plans and the pieces of plans they have. Hannah concedes that they had one good idea, which was to pose as repair men and infiltrate. She questions their exit strategy. Of which they have none.

The New Plan:

  • N-286 sits in the van outside the fire escape.
  • Have Roxie unlock the back door.
  • Have Lou, Klightus, Miraga and Ferrus sneak up the fire escape.
  • Lou, Klightus, and Ferrus sneak into the house, find Albrecht, and get him out.
  • Kill anyone who gets in the way. Call Miraga if need be.

Executing The Plan

Lou, Klightus, and Ferrus make their way into a janitor’s closet. There’s no one immediately nearby. Klightus finds a note from Roxie that says “Don’t rough him up too bad, I liked this one.”

They walk through the closet, there’s two guards immediately in the next room. Klightus makes some noise to lure them in and succeeds, killing them both with the axe. They continue into the next room. Klightus and Lou are able to stealth around successfully, but Ferrus knocks over a vase making a lot of noise. A guard calls down to ask if everything’s alright. Klightus imitates the guards and says everything’s fine. They believe him and go back to their patrol. The group continue upstairs to Albrecht’s room, but see 4 heavily armed bodyguards protecting the door. Klightus has the idea to go back down to the second floor directly underneath Albrecht’s room and using the grappling hook to climb up. He succeeds, opening the door to Roxie and Albrecht in bed. Roxie wakes up and points a gun at Klightus, out of habit almost. She puts a finger to her lips, and gets something from her bag. She puts a sedative into Albrecht’s mouth, putting him into a deep sleep for the next hour. After waiting for the drug to take effect, Klightus puts Albrecht into the net and lowers him down with the grappling hook to Miraga on the fire escape. Miraga grabs Albrecht and uses duct tape on his mouth, arms, and legs.

Klightus uses the grappling hook to do the same thing for Lou and Ferrus to get down. They both get to Miraga successfully and escape fully without anyone noticing. Klightus puts the hook on the balcony and lowers himself down. Right when he’s about to reach the fire escape, a huge gust of wind comes, knocking him into a window and making direct eye contact with two guards. They immediately begin running down to the fire escape, but The Doorstumblers is faster. Klightus firefighter carries Albrecht and rushes down the stairs. They jump in the van and begin booking it out of there!

N-286 is speeding as fast as she can, but soon there’s sirens following them. There’s a spotlight above them and a hovercar with a speaker telling them to pull over immediately. Miraga shoots a gun at it and blows a massive hole in the car, but its immediately returned as a large hole finds its way into the roof of the van. Lou uses spasm on the gunman who sat out the window to shoot, causing him to accidentally shoot a random passerby. Miraga sends another burst into the hovercar, a few bullets making their way into the engine. N-286 prays to the tech gods and pushes the van past its capacity, as it goes 160mph and begins to outrun the hovercar. The hovercar gunman recovers from spasm and shoots Miraga twice, shooting him within an inch of his life and destroying most of his helmet and chest piece. Luckily, N-286 navigates through a tunnel, losing the hovercar.

They rush to the safehouse, dropping Albrecht off with Miraga and Klightus. The rest of the group decide to find a place to ditch the van. N-286 hears the van scream in agony as she puts down the van, killing it.


They bring Albrecht into the safehouse. There’s nothing in there but a chair, a lamp, and a toolbox. They sit him on the chair as he’s coming to. Before he fully wakes up, Miraga decks him in the face, knocking him out of the chair. Ferrus sets him back up, rips off the duct tape, removing some skin with the tape. Lou heals him from this damage. Ferrus asks him straight up who FM is, but he doesn’t know. Klightus goes in for another punch to the liver. He says he really doesn’t know who FM is, but he’s heard rumors. He doesn’t know how to get in contact with him. His personal theory is its a noble with some vendetta against the governor, his grandfather. N-286 does some biometric readings on him and sees he’s only telling the half truth. They say they’re going to ask 10 questions and ever time he gives an answer they don’t like, they’ll break one of his fingers.

Ferrus asks what his role in this is. Albrecht says he doesn’t play a role, he’s too far out of the game. The only thing he has is connections. Roxie’s told him there’s been a lot of guns changing hands.

Ferrus asks what their end goal is. Albrecht says he assumes its a revolt funded by nobility. Probably several nobles given the volume of guns.

Ferrus asks if he knows who FM is. Albrecht says he doesn’t know for sure, and can only make an educated guess. Klightus tells him to make one, then. He looks pissed off. Klightus threatens to punch him again and Ferrus pulls back the chamber on his gun. He says again he has no clue and asks for more information. Klightus says he doesn’t like this answer, and N-286 breaks one of his fingers.

Klightus tells him to try again. Ferrus says to give any amount of information he has. N-286 squeezes his next finger. He says something about his great uncle Novis and his aunt twice removed, Gallia. They’ve been the most vocal about their disdain for the governor.

Klightus asks what he’s going to do if they let him out, and if he’s going to snitch. He says no, and N-286 gets another reading on him. He’s telling the truth. N-286 puts his broken finger back in place.

The Doorstumblers agrees to leave him there, tied up to the chair. N-286 turns the light off on their way out. They send Roxie coords to come pick him up. Then they go out for ice cream!!