The Doorstumblers last session ran into some problems! Ferrus, Miraga, and Qualia nearly died! Klightus, two psykers reinforcements, and a tech priest communicating remotely from the ship, are on their way to rescue them! Castus Humplebumple is one of them, he looks like Conan. The other is called Celorian, an “old ass bitch, and that’s all you’ll need to know”.

When they reach the planet, Roada Reach, Klightus recalls the reason the rest of the Doorstumblers were there. The entire planet had gone dark and they were there to investigate. They detected a random comms burst that shot out into space, but after no real communication for a week, they’re sending backup. Klightus attempts to communicate with The Doorstumblers using their comms, but isn’t able to get anything from all the radio interference. Luckily, Castus finds the shuttle The Doorstumblers took. Its been absolutely gutted for parts and its driver was killed. They also found some vehicle tracks leading away from the shuttle and begin to follow. Klightus realizes these tracks are far too straight to have been driven by Ferrus, and he begins to question if The Doorstumblers were driving or not and communicates to the tech priest that there may be other people here who either kidnapped them, or rescued them… Probably not the latter….

Lou, Ferrus, Miraga, and Qualia are kidnapped!!! Their captors have a crazy laser gun and sophisticated camouflaged clothing. They’re in the infirmary with not much to do. They realize their captors are speaking some strange language, but aren’t sure what exactly it is. Some kind of heavily accented low gothic. Miraga and Qualia spend most of their time recovering from their grievous wounds, while Lou and Ferrus spent most of their time watching the planet’s movies (in a language they don’t speak (without captions)) and guess the plots.

The captain that rescued the group checks in on them and says his scouts saw a shuttle landing nearby their crash landing site. He suggests they leave to intercept the rescue team before they die in the cold. Those who are capable go with him to meet up.

Klightus and Celorian are freezing!! It’s cold as hell!! Luckily, Castus is used to this type of weather and is handling it like a champ. Celorian notices that just over the horizon, there’s a small pillar of smoke. The tech priest tells Klightus that they haven’t heard word from the group of bodyguards that went off to scout around the shuttles. If they don’t find anything within the next hour, they want them to walk back to look for them.

They approach the encampment, just outside of viewing range. Klightus miraculously is able to zero fucking in on this camp and sees a lot of black smoke specifically from very, very jagged walls. Castus is able to identify this isn’t an orc encampment, at least not a normal one. And then they notice it’s getting closer, and closer. When they come closer, they realize these are some makeshift vehicles, all red and with countless guns. A guardsman with them is immediately vaporized by a gun!! Orcs!!!! Castus, first to act, attempts to summon his fucking HAMMER ARM, but accidentally summons a demon while he’s at it.

Lou, using her psychic powers: “Oh, I’m sensing two psykers nearby!… Oh, and some orcs… Plus some.. horrible awful feeling…”

Klightus is scared shitless, gains 5 insanity, and begins sprinting as fast as he can. Celorian and Castus are really holding their own against these orcs and demon though! Celorian did nearly get her leg shot off, but it’s fine! Castus, thinking this demon is his One True Nemesis, puts his all into one attack, punching the demon straight in the jaw, vaporizing its skull, and killing it instantly!!

Lou: “Ope! Never mind, that feeling’s gone.”