B’and’man is a holiday celebrated on the 30th day of Mystra. While many attribute the holiday’s origin to the aftermath of the Rupture, it is a tradition that dates back hundreds, if not thousands of years. While in the modern day we think of B’and’man as a time reserved for dressing up, pulling pranks, and scaring ourselves and others, it actually originated as a day reserved for Stashikatt, the sphinx goddess of illusion.

The pranks and disguises were always in some way part of celebrating, but not to the degree we see today. It was a holy holiday mostly only observed by the most devote Stashikatt worshippers and has been a critical aspect of tabaxi culture. Although at this time, it was under an older name, Stashikatt’s Day. Not to be confused with the 5th day of our modern week, Stashsday. This holiday is older than the Aevumian Calendar itself, as it was created during the Golden Age.

So why is the holiday now known as B’and’man? To celebrate Stashikatt’s biggest and most successful scheme, which was banishing the demons from the Mockingwood through illusion. The kenku and changelings teamed together, and with Stashikatt’s illusory abilities and luck, successfully tricked the demons invading the Mockingwood by pretending to be demons themselves and convincing them there were no people in Nowhere and Roc.

Now, to honor the success and quick thinking of the Mockingwood illusionists, it is common to see children and adults alike dressed in costumes to fool each other. Ranging from silly, to scary, to downright absurdist, there is a wide range of ways to celebrate.

EDIT: Kalyn asked me in DMs why the name B’and’man. Its. Its because. So like. There were demons. And then. Then they got. Banned. Banned demons. Bandemon. B’and’man. Thank you, Cass.