It is a long standing belief that because Feather is the father to both goblin kind and the infamous ill-gotten owner of the moon, that there are whole societies of goblins living outside of Terrafirma on other planets. Goblins have created an entire system of divination magic meant to commune with these lunar goblins, asking them for advice. It is believed that since the moon is so far, these goblins have a greater perspective on life and the universe and are able to see the bigger picture. Some even believe that these goblins are able to see into the past accurately because of how long it takes light to reach them, though this fact is disputed among even the most devout lunar divines. Another theory is that the moon is the goblin afterlife and all communion with the lunar goblins is actually a communion with one’s ancestors. Either way, the phases of the moon and the images on its sides play a large part in goblin culture overall.
Of course, like many goblin cultural pieces, small parts of the belief system have been taken and altered, and in the opinion of many, bastardized. Other cultures use the methods of divination without considering the fact they are communicating with prank-prone goblins and often receive unclear or downright incorrect readings. This has given the entire practice a reputation for being faulty outside of goblin society. And even within it, the practice is still believed to be unreliable because, well, lunar goblins are still just as fallible as Terrafirma goblins.