In Terrafirma, marks of darkness are acts of various gods that serve as a warning sign to corrupted souls and those around them of the growing power Tharizdun, the demon lord, has on the corrupted person’s soul. When an individual repeatedly, consistently, and knowingly commits atrocious acts that go against the wishes of the main pantheon and seek to serve Tharizdun, corruption is placed on their soul and they are doomed to Hell. Marks of darkness serve to quantify the number and severity of the corruption, as well as warn passersby that this person is not to be trusted. However, each god has their own logic and reasoning behind why they grant certain marks of darkness and what offences are required to earn them.
Stashikatt, the god of illusion and nature grants marks of darkness to those who would seek to disrupt nature. Rampant industrialism might earn someone a rattling cough that causes them to expel bloody maggots, or to grow unnatural horns from their head. Backstabbing or snitching on a companion may cause your tongue to dry to a dark black, or to grow large buck teeth that don’t fit inside your mouth.
Dahlania is the god of fertility, family, and growth. Those who take advantage of others in romantic or sexual relationships may lose their genitals as they shrivel and fall off. They may have a large, monstrous shadow that doesn’t match their movements. If one needlessly kills innocent people or disrupts nature, they may develop a large, nasty wound that oozes black sludge, or only be able to eat rotten spoiled food.
Nylak is the god of knowledge. Those who would seek to misuse information to harm others, or who would seek to learn forbidden knowledge, may find they weep blood or they are unable to see their reflection in mirrors. Those who would use their intellect to deceive may find that they are unable to knowingly lie, or may even lose their ability to read.
Feather, the goblin patron of mischief and art, has a special hell for those who would be exceedingly dull or boring. His marks of darkness tend to be what would be most entertaining to watch, as in the afterlife, Feather encourages goblins to gather around and watch the chaos that surrounds those he finds disdainful. One might their sexual organs constantly engorged and painful, or thick fur growing from the palms of their hands. Some believe they may even gain audience with Feather himself as he heckles them inside their head.
Shemes is the god of commerce, the working class, and warfare. Many of his marks of darkness impact one’s ability to work, such as losing the nails on their hands and feet leaving raw flesh behind, or animals becoming actively hostile or afraid. Shemes also resents those with unearned wealth when it isn’t shared and may cause all currency in one’s possession to be stained with blood.
Xamasquai is the god of the elements and a patron to nature and the wild. They are peaceful and disagree with needless hostility or war and will actively prevent those they dislike from entering their watery domain. Oceans will expel these people, any attempts to swim will result in sinking. Running water may not allow one to cross. Glittering sand may invade every nook and cranny of an individual’s equipment, being incredibly coarse and rough.
Tharizdun, the demon lord. Tharizdun is different from the other gods, in that its marks of darkness are a blessing for its followers. These are rewards for submitting to its will. Exact affects are unknown, as it is near impossible to study, but they are known to exist. It is believed human intervention was required for The Rupture to happen as it did to be as effective as it was. The current assumption is that these marks of darkness make someone more likeable and charming in political situations. Or in warfare, to be more cunning and effective.