Xamasquai Lightning Myth: Why Metal Rusts
After Xamasquai created their oceanic kingdom far off from the land, they looked at the gates of malicious elementals and knew that if they were to keep their kingdom safe, their people would need protection. They looked to the lives of humans and dwarves and saw the mighty forges Shemes had built and how his people were able to take what came from the earth and bend it to their will. They saw the ways metal could change shape to save the lives of the many warriors who used it. And they knew that if their people were to survive the wars under water, it would be necessary to equip them with the right tools.
So, they hatched a plan. A great flood would overtake The Southlands. Everything that was not directly under Shemes’s mountains, which was his domain, would be swept away into the ocean to be collected by the merfolk in their battle. What Xamasquai did not realize was that Shemes would see their plan, and as it happened, cursed all the metal that fell into their hands. The weapons and armor would become brittle and break after coming into contact with water, growing a brown mold that would eat away at the metal rendering it entirely useless.
Enraged, Xamasquai vowed that if they were to ever see a mortal wearing the metal they could not have in the rain, they would beat their war drums and send a hot bolt of fire to strike them down where they stood, killing any who taunt Xamasquai by flaunting their unfair advantage over the merfolk!
And that kids, is why we don’t leave farm tools outside when it rains!