When a fae creature, such as an elf, goblin, or changeling dies, their body and soul are returned to the fae realm. From here, it is possible for their bodies to return to the material realm if they wish. However, it is a long and difficult task. Portals to and from the fae wilds are inconsistent with where they appear and where they will lead in Terrafirma. There are also rogue faeries intent on tricking unsuspecting individuals. Not to mention the alien landscapes and other fantastical creatures that await. Time moves differently here, it doesn’t match the material plane. You could spend years in the fae realm, but only days may pass in the material plane or vice versa.
If you would like a fae character to return to Terrafirma, roll as instructed on the Fae Events Table and the Time Passed Table. The Fae Events table dictates what occurred while your character was travelling through the faewilds. The Time Passed Table dictates how much time passed in the material realm from the moment the character died to the moment they exit the faewilds.
The fae creature must also make an Intellect Challenge Roll. On a success, they are able to find a portal that leads to a location within a day’s travel of the party’s last known location. On a failure, the portal they find is at least a week’s journey away from the party’s last known location. Disregard this if you roll a 17 on the Fae Events Table.
Fae Events Table
Roll 1d20
- You owe a fae 1 Favor.
- You were enslaved by a malicious fae. Gain 1d3 insanity and a common profession.
- The color from your body, clothes, and all items you went into the fae realm with, become pale and desaturated.
- You have trouble remembering who you were. Reroll personality.
- You found something strange. Roll a new Interesting Thing.
- After drinking a strange potion, you shrink 2d6 inches.
- Through listening and speaking with other individuals in the faewilds, learn 1 of the following languages: Elvish, Goblinese, Trollish, or Sylphan.
- You find a magic item. Either roll on the magic item table, or work with your GM to create something specific.
- While changing dimensions, your appearances stretches and shifts. Reroll appearance.
- You age 5d6 years visually, gaining sagging skin or grey hair. But not any corresponding physical or mental health issues.
- You gain 1 unidentified potion.
- While travelling, you gain a fae ally. They will follow you to the material plane on your adventures.
- You feel as though you lost something of yourself, but gained something else. Lose 1 Profession and replace it with a random one.
- You get scammed by a merchant, losing 2d6cp.
- You found yourself swept up in a fae war and are enlisted to fight in it. Gain 1 martial profession and some new scars.
- After eating a strange cake, you grow 2d6 inches.
- You successfully get out of the fae realm, but the portal takes you to another continent! Work with your GM to figure out how (and if) you get back to your party.
- You were robbed! Lose an item or items worth 1ss.
- You made a bad deal with a fae. Gain 1 magic item and 1 point of Corruption.
- A fae owes you 1 Favor.
Time Passed
Roll 2d6
- 12 hours.
- 24 hours.
- 3 days.
- 1 week.
- 10 days.
- 3 weeks.
- 1 month.
- 3 months.
- 6 months.
- 9 months.
- 1 year.